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Waiting for social housing? Tell your story

Wed, 20/04/2022 - 14:06
Are you on the waiting list for social housing in NSW, Queensland or Tasmania? If so, researchers in a new project would like to learn more about what life is like as you wait for a social housing property to become available. By sharing your story, you will help them provide recommendations to governments and other organisations to improve the social housing system and better support people as they wait.
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Make Renting Fair: April Organising Meeting

Wed, 13/04/2022 - 15:31
make renting fair logo
It's time for our next Make Renting Fair organising meeting! This time around we'll be brainstorming and honing some policy asks for the campaign between now and the March 2023 NSW election. Come along and join the conversation, hear our ideas and have your own say, contribute to shaping Make Renting Fair for the coming year.
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Peter's renting story

Wed, 06/04/2022 - 10:38
Water damage to Peter's ceiling
Peter* is an academic lecturer and researcher who had been living in his Eastern Suburbs apartment for 6 years when he was issued a ‘no grounds’ termination notice, in October of 2021. The termination notice came soon after Peter asked his landlord to repair the significant water damage to the ceiling. As of April 2022, the landlord has not carried out the repairs. Peter is now at high risk of homelessness.
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Kaye's renting story

Tue, 05/04/2022 - 13:22
Kaye and her cat, Greywacke
Kaye's story. During the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action we share Kaye's story to highlight some of the problems with the NSW renting system, and the need for decision-makers to understand the importance of supporting renters' access to stable, affordable, secure homes. 
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Sarah's renting story

Mon, 04/04/2022 - 12:45
#MyRentedHome should be secure and stable
Sarah* is a NSW renter who was evicted in 2021 during the pandemic. She was evicted into homelessness, and struggled for several months to find a home. Here is some of her story.
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Catherine's renting story

Thu, 31/03/2022 - 14:56
Catherine with her dog and her son
Catherine* has been a life-long renter who has moved 32 times - the first 30 of which were in the first 25 years of her life. During the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action we share her story to highlight both home important rented homes are for the people who live in them, and the lack of security renters face and the impact that can have on our lives.
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Greer's renting story

Thu, 31/03/2022 - 14:23
Greer and her child
Greer is a regional NSW renter who has shared her renting story with us. We share Greer's story during #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action to highlight some of the problems with the NSW renting system, and the need for decision-makers to understand the importance of supporting renters' access to stable, affordable, secure homes. 
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Vulnerable tenancies a growing issue despite COVID recovery

Tue, 22/03/2022 - 10:50
A woman, man and child, looking stressed, surrounded by moving boxes
Many vulnerable tenants were in crisis well before the pandemic and will continue to face personal crises into the future. A crisis should not have to make the world stage before our most vulnerable people have safeguards implemented.
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#MyRentedHome #MakeRentingFair social media week of action

Thu, 17/03/2022 - 09:54
#MyRentedHome #MakeRentingFair
We’re inviting all NSW renters to join the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action, in the week of Monday 4 April to Saturday 9 April. You are invited to share a photo on your favourite social media platform of something from your rented home, positive or negative, explaining what home means to you and what you want decision-makers to know about your rented home.
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Legal help for flood-affected communities

Wed, 02/03/2022 - 09:26
rain cloud
Our thoughts go out to the people, families and communities impacted by the flooding, storms, and dangerous rainfall across the state. Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and Community Legal Centres are here to help.
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